Optimise Success Package

En-lighten = bring in the light
Illuminate Your Soul Light
Live True to You
Optimise Success Program
Your Individualised Program
Extending Your 12 Week SOUL POWER “Breakthrough to Success” Program

You are no doubt aware, having completed the 12 week SOUL POWER Breakthrough Program, that you are not really in control of your life on your Soul Path. However you have been learning to take charge, through the power of energy mastery. You are accepting that life unfolds in accordance with divine timing and follows the twist and turns of the spiral path of your soul’s evolution that you have chosen in this lifetime.
Change is inevitable and you are learning to navigate change, making heart not fear-based (ego) choices that align you to your soul’s truth. Often it seems you take one step forward and then two steps back.

Embracing the ever-unfolding journey –the Mystery of you and your life path

When you choose the Soul Path of aligning to your passion, purpose and highest potential for your individual fulfilment in life, you are choosing an ever evolving journey. It’s an unfolding journey of discovery: of coming “home” to the truth of your Soul Essence, awakening more of your unique soul blueprint and the gifts you are here to share. Through your soul initiations you grow in many soul qualities: unconditional love, compassion, Harmony, wisdom, peace, joy, abundance. You ground more love and light and raise your consciousness. This is a part of everyone’s Soul Purpose, as you embody more of your Divine Self.

Grounding your Soul Essence

It may seem that as you develop more awareness of what needs to change, the challenges keep coming. Understanding how to ground more of your Soul Essence that is love, light and creation power in your daily life is a deep experiential journey. It requires spiritual knowledge, tools and practises that are fine-tuned to resonate with your unique Essence. And we each need loving support, encouragement, guidance, acknowledgement of our progress, tools and inspiration to embrace and effectively navigate change and its challenges with ease and grace. It involves tuning into and accepting the higher perspective on life’s details - seeing the gifts inherent in issues that arise. You take daily action to live aligned to the expanded vision of your soul’s truth.

The SOUL POWER “Optimize Success” Program is designed, in consultation with you, to fit your lifestyle and unique Soul Path needs at this time.

We agree on how to meet your needs for effective on-going support, guidance, information, insights, healing, practical tools and resources for your Soul Path.
1Sometimes accountability to a mentor holding a non-judgmental loving space, is a critical component to keep you committed, focused on your intention and to maintain the discipline needed for your success, personal growth and soul evolution.
Knowing it is safe to report your progress, receive insights and new perspectives without fear of judgment is important.
Above all having someone to lovingly remind you of your magnificence, your progress, and hold the expanded vision for you and your life. The angelic doorway of Angelic Heart prisms allows easy communion with your councils of light that offer guidance, love, protection and inform and heal.

  • 90 minute session, for an agreed period of time, fortnightly or monthly.
  • An on-going weekly program of 90 minute sessions, for an agreed period of time.
  • Or at any time, a one-off coaching, sacred counselling, healing session, to assist your progress.
  • A Soul Guidance session. Learning to trust our decisions are from the heart, not the ego mind, takes practise. We work in the Angelic Heart Prisms space- the doorway for heart –soul connection that supports your communion with your guiding council teams of love and light http://www.soulpower.net.au/soul-guidance-session.php
  • Soul Path Blueprint Reading – optimise your potential and challenges http://www.soulpower.net.au/soul-path-blueprint-reading.php
Special Offer: Client 15% discount on one-off healing sessions
Healing “Soul Attunement” Energy Balances: Valid for 4 months after finish of 12 week program

Phone Carolyn: Mobile: 0438 733 517  Email:coach@soulpower.net.au             

Address:4 Wallace St. MacMasters Beach Australia  Skype:carolyn.cini

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